The Solar Dynamics Observatory has captured videos and pictures of an enormous eruption of solar flares today. The solar flare occurred at 1:45 p.m. ET and registered as a M1.7 on the intensity scale, which is near the middle of the scale and not very dangerous to Earth. These powerful flares can still disrupt communications and pose a dangerous threat to the astronauts in the International Space Station. The sun is in an active stage of an 11 year cycle, which is expected to peak next year.
I think that this is very interesting and we must learn more about the solar flares to understand them more and try to invent something to either block or reduce the effects of them. I have heard about these before but they were not very active or in the news that much. Now scientists are concerned that they could endanger mankind and trying to learn more about them in my opinion.
This is so fascinating! I saw pictures of the flares. Incredible. I think you are right in that they may have more of an effect than we are aware of. We do need more research into them!