1. I think that all the articles had given some facts but were mostly trying to influence our opinions except the first article from PC World.
2. I think all the articles try to influence peoples opinion in one way or the other, but the one trying to influence the people the most would be Wikipedia because they are against the bills and want the people to be against them also. ex. SOPA and PIPA would put the burden on website owners to police
user-contributed material and call for the unnecessary blocking of
entire sites.
3. The first article at PC World was mainly giving facts on what SOPA and PIPA are and were just stating the truth. ex. Both bills are aimed at foreign websites that infringe copyrighted material.
4. None of the articles changed my mind from what I already think about the bills, but the CBS News was the article that got aware of the bills and helped me either go for or against the bills. It helped me form my opinion by letting know what would happen if the bills were passed or rejected in congress, which I then just decided which one I think would help America more.